Jenn and Anthony celebrated their engagement early this summer and decided to get their engagement photos taken at UBC.  The University of British Columbia is full of so many different photo opportunities, it’s astounding! From cool backgrounds, heritage buildings, beautiful forests, gardens and the beach, the photo vantage points are endless. We headed over there early this summer and took advantage of the many sites and that gorgeous golden hour light down at Acadia Beach (which is less traveled and beautifully rocky for that classic PNW feel).

I haven’t been to the UBC Rose Garden for years, and what a mistake that has been (I’m seriously shaking my head in dismay right now). It is gorgeous there!  The light filtering through the rose bushes, the beautiful smells of fresh flowers, and the view of the inlet.  10/10 would recommend you grab your camera, your lover and head there now!  Like really. Go.

Just take a look at these two and you’ll see the chemistry oozing from them.  Let me tell you…this session was STEAMY.  Like, can’t-keep-their-hands-off-one-another-in-such-deep-love kind of S.T.E.A.M.Y.  Wowza.  A few times during our session I had to pry these love birds apart as my one strict engagement photography rule is, NO KISSING (until I let you that is)!  I like to keep that tension building until it is bursting forth, those raw emotions and feelings jumping out of your skin and captured in my photographs.  I think I succeeded here.

Engagement Photos are a great way to get to know each other before the big day.  I recommend all my couples take me up on engagement photos because overall, they’re super fun, we get to be silly and you get some sweet photos of the two of you!

Congrats you two!  Stop being so damn sexy, mmm okay?

xo K

engagement photography Vancouver engagement photography

Vancouver engagement photography Vancouver engagement photography UBC Rose Garden UBC Rose Garden UBC Rose Garden UBC Rose Garden UBC Engagement Photography UBC Rose Garden Vancouver engagment photography UBC Engagement Photography Vancouver Engagement Photography Vancouver Engagement Photography Vancouver Engagement Photography Vancouver Engagement Photography Vancouver Engagement Photos Vancouver Beach Photos Vancouver Engagement Photos Vancouver Engagement Photos