This summer I did a fantastic Queen Elizabeth Park engagement session! When Kelsey and Mia got in touch about engagement photos, they suggested the beautiful Queen Elizabeth Park for two reasons.  One- they love to go and walk around the park, and two, Mia wished she had proposed there!  Turns out she’d had something planned for ages and another friend also had something planned for ages and the other friend beat her to it.  We made sure to reenact that proposal though!

These two were so sweet!  Their love for one another really shines through in real life and in their photos.  We got extremely lucky with the weather and the smoke from the summers fires had started to clear.  We started off our evening with a sneaky cider while getting to know one another and these two told me their love story and gave me a run down for their 2019 wedding in Banff.  I love getting to know my couples and find out their little quirks and see the similarities that run throughout all relationships.   After we slammed a cider, we continued on with our sneakiness, and headed into the Bloedel Conservatory to start our photo session.   It turns out you must reserve a time to take professional photos inside, but I didn’t know that! We managed to get around that while pretending to only bird watch.  My favourite bird is Gidget, she’s so chatty and loves a visit. I hadn’t been inside the conservatory for a while and was definitely overdressed and loaded down with gear.  10/10 would not recommend you wear a plaid in there unless you want to sweat nearly to death!

After chatting with all the birds, we headed outside to cool down and catch some golden hour light while exploring the gardens, and if you haven’t done that lately, go now! I think Queen Elizabeth Park is a hidden oasis in the city and a hidden gem for Vancouver Engagement Photos. It’s also the highest point above Vancouver at 500 feet above sea level.  Originally, it was known as Little Mountain (and the surrounding area still is), and it was quarried for some of the cities first roadways but in 1930 it began it’s transformation into sunken gardens, with it’s fate sealed with the visit of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth (the Queens mother) in 1939.  Since then it has evolved into what it is today.  And fun fact, under the QE Plaza is Vancouvers principal drinking water reservoir!  Betcha didn’t know that eh?

Needless to say, we had a wonderful evening getting to know one another (well, me getting to know them anyway!) and exploring the gardens.   I can’t wait for their 2019 celebration!

xo K

Check out this post for another hidden gem spot for Vancouver engagement photos!

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